Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Signs of a Sound Heart (Qalb Saleem)

There are five things that constitute a sound heart (Qalb Saleem):
1. الذي ينفق ماله في سبيل الله“
A person is able to spend his wealth in the path of Allah (SWT).” i.e. having a giving nature
2. الذي يرشد اهله الي الحق“A person is able to guide and instruct their family towards that which is the reality/the truth.”What is ‘truth’? امر بالمعروف و نهي عن المنكر “To promote virtue and prohibit vice.”3. الذي يكون قلبه خاليا عن غلبة الشهوات“A person, his heart be in such a state that it is free from his carnal and base desires dominating his life.” i.e. Being the slave/servant of Allah, not a slave/servant of the nafs.
4. الذي يكون قلبه خاليا عن العقائد الباطلة“A person, his heart if free from corrupted, distorted beliefs.”
5. الذي يكون قلبه خاليا عما سواك تبارك و تعالي“A person, his heart is free from everything else other than Allah (SWT).”

Initial steps to take to attain a pure heart:
To make Taubah (repentance). There are three general requirements when repenting:
To remove yourself from the sin that you are doing.
Feel regret – Nadamat
To make a resolution to never return to that sin.
If you have wronged another human then there is a fourth condition which is to clear things up with that person and ask for forgiveness.

Symptoms of a sick heart:
-Making false gods-
-Love of wealth - حب المال-
-Love for fame - حب الجاه-
-Love of fulfilling lustful desires – حب الباه-
-False love for things

A few things to do in order to abstain from sin:
1. To be in the company of the Ahlullah.
2. Constantly remember Allah (SWT).
3. To be in public the same way you are in private.
4. To recite the Qur’an.

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