Thursday, May 6, 2010

Repel evil with good

We are living in a world where the pressure to achieve and excel is becoming increasingly noticeable. However, the general benchmark for achievements and success are things that are linked to the material world.

The material world and materialism by its very nature has a propensity to create greed, selfishness and intolerance in people. At times of conflict and disagreement this very intolerance leads to a total breakdown in relationships resulting in acrimony and discord.

In the Noble Qur’an the Almighty tells us, “The good and evil deed cannot be equal. Repel the evil with one which is better, then verily, he, between whom and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a close friend.” (41:34).” The ayah alludes to an excellent conflict management tool and strategy.

This strategy at its most basic level inspires us to treat an antagonist with patience and forbearance. Instead of coming down to a level where anger, hatred and violence is adopted and justified one would be circumspect and use wisdom.

Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbas Radhiallahu anhu explains the verse thus: “The Almighty enjoins one to be patient when one is faced with anger, to exercise forbearance when one encounters ignorance and to display forgiveness when one is wronged. The reward will be that the Almighty will save the person from Shaytaan and his enemy or the antagonist will be humbled becoming his friend.

We do not live in a perfect world. What we can do is to use the Most Perfect Word to not only inspire us but to become our beacon of guidance so that we can become exemplary in every facet of our lives.
May Allah guide us all. Aameen


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