Friday, January 4, 2008

Sweetness of faith

-Taken from

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness of faith:

1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else.

2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah’s sake.

3. Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire.” (Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 16)

Explaning it Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mawlana Mohammad TAqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) said,

“What is meant by sweetness of faith (here)?

Literally sweetness means a sugary taste. However, here this taste of sugar and molasses is not implied. It means that the hardship that usually accompany the obligations of faith become pleasurable. To endure these difficulties is delightful and enjoyable. The pleasure, joy and satisfaction achieved in fulfilling these commandments of faith ordered by Allah exceeds all worldly pleasures and enjoyments. This state is given by Allah to His chosen servants. And it is this condition that is called sweetness or pleasure of faith (eman).

- Inam al-bari, duroos Bukhari sharif, volume 1, page 374

May Allah, Most High give this to us all,
even though we do not deserve it at all.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Taharah (Purity)

Question: 2271
- United States of America

Asslamualikum brother My question is regarding the English toilet. i am unable to adjust completely with this system. when i get some splash of water after passing urine or stool and i try again to clean it , sometimes my hand touch again the thing on which i am sitting which gives me a feeling that i am again napaak. can you please advise me what is the proper way to use this system so that you are not at all napaak after using this system. 2) also sometimes i find the toilet on which i have to sit wet(may be water or some other thing dropped by the person who used it before me) . So what should i do under such conditions.

Answer: 2271
10 Dec, 2007
-(Fatwa: 1991/1534=H)

It is possible for a thin or a slim person to use the Western-type toilets if he is cautious and careful, but for a fat man it is difficult to use it with comfort. It is better to use simple toilet if possible and try to have the same in ones house. If someone is forced to use it then he should use it with extra care and caution and clean the body and cloth after using it. It is recommended to keep a particular lungi/cloth for this purpose and wear it while using the English toilets then change it after cleaning your body so that you can pray salah and perform other things with content of heart and complete satisfaction.

(2) If you use/sit on it wearing slippers then the foot may not be polluted.
and Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) Knows Best

Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

Marital Accord

Hakim al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

- “The root cause of unity and accord is to accept an individual as the leader and others agree to follow him. In a group where everyone claims to be equal to others, without any distinction of leader and followers there can never be unity at all.”

Marital Love and Fear of Allah

Hakim al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,
“Once I asked my first wife that even though I am never neglectful of your rights then what is the reason that you always remain saddened. She replied that whatever I did was not out of love but due to the fear of accountability infront of Allah.

I told her that if I had fulfilled all these rights merely due to love it was possible that at some point due to decreasing love (which always remain a possiblity) I become neglectful in executing my obligations. But if I do these things due to fear of accountability to Allah then remain reassured that I will never ever be neglectful in fulfilling these rights. This is because once this fear of Allah enters a heart it never leaves. You should be happy at this (state of mine).”