The Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam)said: "A period will come when the non-believers will come closer by calling one another for annexing the nations of the believers just like how people call one another for eating food when it has, been prepared. "Someone then asked as to whether the Muslims will be few in number then? Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is reported to have replied, "You will be large in numbers, but will like hay before a flood of water. Your enemies will not fear you because you will be so weak and timid. "One companion then asked the reason for this decline, and Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, "Life (and its luxuries) will become more dearer to you and you will dislike death, (and facing Allâh) Abû Dawûd
It is often asked why it is that the Muslim Ummah find themselves in distress and suffering around the world. It seems as if it is open season on the Ummah, with attacks from all sides raining down upon Muslims in all areas.
Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri, in a talk, explained why. Among other aspects, he said:
There are several reasons for this sad state of affairs in the Ummah. Among the more prominent ones are the following:
- Lack of true faith in Allâh Ta'âla.
- Increased disobedience towards Him.
- Increasing timidity among us.
- Love of the materialistic world [Hubb-e-Dunya wa Mâl].
- Open disobedience of the Sunnah of Rasulullâh Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
- Following our own innovated [bid'ah] practices and customs.
- Neglecting the rights of Allâh [Huqûq-Allâh], and the rights of creation [Huqûq-ut-Ibad].
- Our complete ingratitude towards the innumerable blessings showered upon us by our Benefactor, despite being totally unworthy of these blessings.
- Disregard for the selfless advice given to us by our noble Ulamâ in relation to our religion.
The disobedience of Allâh and the rejection of the Sharî'ah will create a very dangerous situation calling for severe punishment, as has happened to past nations which transgressed. Allâh has described these events in the Qur'ân at various locations. One such verse is:"Each one of them We seized for their crime, against some of them We sent a violent tornado; some were caught in a blast; some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some we drowned, it was not Allâh who injured them; but they injured their own souls... Surah 19 Âyah 40
What should Muslims do in Such a Situation?
Allâh has said:"And never give up hope of Allâh's truly soothing mercy, no-one despairs of Allâh's soothing mercy except those who have no faith." Surah 12 Âyah 87.
In another Âyah Allâh Ta'âla states: "So lose not heart and do not fall into despair, for you must gain mastery if you are true in faith." Surah 3. Âyah 139.o
Turn to AllâhAllâh has emphasized in the Qur'ân as follows:"Oh, ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer for Allâh is with those who observe patience." Surâh 2 Âyah 153.
- Need for Istighfâr and Taubah: We must make a point to offer repentance for our sins and seek Allâh's forgiveness regularly. Hadhrat Abû Mûsa Ash'ari Radhiallahu Anhu narrates Rasulullâh Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam as saying, "Surely Allâh has blessed my followers with two symbols of peace, firstly, myself and, secondly, the act of seeking forgiveness [Istighfâr], Remember! When I will no longer be in this mortal world, I will be leaving behind the act of seeking forgiveness. It will help you all to save yourselves from Allâh's punishment."
- Encourage the Giving of Charity
- Increase the Tilawat of the Qur'ân and Durud upon Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
- Stop the Disobedience of Allâho Implement Proper Dîni Education
- Reconcile Disputes and Differences and Unite as Muslims
- Seek Guidance only from the Ulama. Establish Links with Them
- Create an Atmosphere of Brotherhood
- Make the World Aware of the Beautiful Teachings of Islâm
- Taken from