Message from the Ameer of the Jamiatul Ulama
The foundation upon which the entire edifice of the belief and practice of a Muslim is based upon, is the concept of tawheed.
No-one or no being or thing is worthy of worship besides Allah. He is the Creator, Sustainer and Lord of the entire creation-the universe and beyond; He is Everlasting – existing beyond the boundaries of time; He is All-Powerful – absolutely nothing takes place except through His command instruction or permission; He is not dependent upon anything and everything and every being is dependent upon Him; He has no children, parents or family and He has no equal or likeness in any way whatsoever. None deserves or has a right to be worshipped or even respected as He does. He has provided for us in every way, physically and spiritually. We do not require anybody besides Him and we do not need any way other than what He has prescribed. These are only some aspects related to tawheed.
Directly opposed to tawheed is shirk – associating partners with Allah. Shirk is mentioned as the most severe of sins that a person can engage in, and Allah states that He will never forgive the person who is engaged in shirk.
It has been observed that certain practices that work toward destroying the imaan and faith of people have begun to surreptitiously creep into the lives of Muslims. From amongst these practices, two most dangerous ones are:
1. Visiting the various bogus ‘traditional, faith-healers’, ‘herbalists’ or self-proclaimed ‘religious/spiritual healers’. They proclaim to be able to assist in, among others, solving of health and sexual problems, financial difficulties, marriage and social issues and even the ‘winning of the lottery’. The farce of these frauds must be absolutely clear to all sensible persons. The danger of even visiting them ‘for fun’s sake’, in as far as engaging in practices of either direct shirk or close to shirk can never be ignored. Listening to and taking the ‘medication’ of such dubious characters puts a person in the position of risking the loss of his imaan and being thrown out of the fold of Islam.
2. Taking part in ‘trendy’, programmes which claim to have distressing characteristics and are linked to or have their basis in Indian, or other, ancient traditional or religious practices. Ideas that come into open conflict with tawheed are clandestinely and slyly sneaked into the supposed exercises aimed at ‘de-stressing’. Aspects such as becoming ‘one with mother-earth’, ‘greeting the sun’, and the utterances of ‘meaningless’ words or phrases as mantras are only a few examples. A statement by a representative of the Hindu faith explained in a newspaper, last week, that it is impossible to separate yoga from Hinduism.
There is no need to search for help outside of the boundaries of what is allowed or prescribed by the most beautiful and complete deen of Islam. There can be no better way of de-stressing than the performance of salah and engaging in dhikr of Allah.
Tawheed demands that we turn to Allah, and submit fully to Him in every way. We must submit to the Deen of Allah completely and totally, having full faith and conviction in the truth of the message of Islam, believing in the fact that success lies only in what Islam prescribes through the Qur`an and the sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), and we must submit to all the commands of Allah, without exception. We must know that there is no other way.
Allah (azza wa jalla) says in the Holy Qur`an: O ye who believe! enter into Islam completely; and follow not the footsteps of the Shaytaan; for he is to you an avowed enemy. (2:208)
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