Sunday, May 25, 2008

Keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer 7

Most of these shortcuts deal with using tabbed browsing

1.) Ctrl + T - Opens a new tab in the foreground.

2.) Ctrl + Click - Opens links in a new tab in the background.

3.) Ctrl + Shift + Click - Opens links in a new tab in the foreground.

4.) Alt + Enter - Opens a new tab from the address bar.

5.) Alt + Enter - It also opens a new tab from the search box.

6.) Ctrl + Q - Opens up quick tabs, which are thumbnail views.

7.) Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Allows you to switch between tabs.

8.) Ctrl + N - Switches to a specific tab number. In this case, N can equal anything between the numbers one and eight.

9.) Ctrl + 9 - Switches to the last tab.

10.) Ctrl + W - Closes the current tab.

11.) Ctrl + Alt + F4 - Closes other open tabs.

12.) Alt + F4 - Closes all the tabs.

Now, here are a few mouse shortcuts for you as well.

1.) Click the middle mouse button (if your mouse has one) on a link and it will open that link in a background tab for you.

2.) Double click any empty space right next to the last tab you have open and it will open a brand new tab.

3.) If you click on the middle mouse button on one of your tabs, it will close the tab for you.

Inshallah these simple shortcuts can make IE 7 experience so much easier!

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