Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Childhood of Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf al-Kandhalwi

By Shaykh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi

As part of a lengthy biography of the great da'i of Islam, Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf al-Kandhalawi, the author of his biography, Mawlana Aziz al-Rahman al-Bijnuri, included a valuable letter written to him by Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhalawi (may Allah have mercy on them all) in which he described some details of Mawlana Yusuf's childhood days.
Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Zakariyya, Mawlana Yusuf's older cousin and respected teacher, writes:
"Mawlana Yusuf was born on Tuesday the 25th of Jumada al-Ula 1335 AH, corresponding to the 20th of March 1914. His ‘aqiqah was performed on Monday, the 2nd of Jumada al-Thaniya. Thereafter, I can only say:

كان مملوكي فأصبح مالكي --- إنّ هذا من أعاجيب الزمن
He was once my slave, but now he is my master,
Indeed this is one of the wonders of time.

Initially, he was like a small, docile brother and student. Because of my severe nature, he used to fear me more than even his own father, and because of parental affection sometimes he would evade his father's commands. Because of my severe nature, however, he never evaded my instructions. At times his father used to tell me, ‘Yusuf is supposed to accomplish a certain task. He will accomplish it quicker if you instruct him to do so.'

His father's friends from Delhi used to insist upon him to bring his son to their weddings but Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf was always so deeply engrossed in his studies that he intensely disliked attending such gatherings. At times, when I visited him he would take a pledge from me not to take him to places where he preferred not to go. When his father would insist on taking him with, I would offer an excuse on his behalf saying, ‘I agreed to his promise of not taking him along.'

Thereafter, he spiritually progressed to such an extent that he reached the limits of the sky, whereas I remained on face of the earth left to gaze at his lofty rank. He made this progress immediately after the demise of his father. In my and Hadrat Raypuri's opinion, this progress was the result of the transfer of his father's special nisbat to him. This manifested itself very clearly in every manner.

After the demise of Mawlana Madani (may Allah have mercy on him), he developed a strong zeal and enthusiasm. He boldly and fearlessly began to present his da'wah to even the most authoritative persons. After the demise of Mawlana Raypuri (may Allah have mercy on him), his discourses began to carry a lot of spiritual light and illumination. It is most likely that this was the result of the special attention, affection, and love that these elders showed him.

Consequently, I found him awe-inspiring. It became difficult for me to avoid his persistent requests. Last year, when he insisted that I accompany him for the hajj pilgrimage, despite my severe illnesses and other excuses I could not find the courage to refuse him. When I did offer the excuse of sickness, he replied, ‘Despite your sickness, I would insist that you accompany me.'
Finally, Allah showered His bounty and kindness upon me to such an extent that many things became manifest in front of a person like me, so bereft of insight. These are things which I am incapable of writing. Hence, I do not wish to write them. However, I will conclude this letter by quoting a dream of an extremely pious woman.

After the demise of Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf, many people saw and wrote strange and amazing dreams about him. I quote this particular dream because, in my opinion, it is true and real.

The effect of the Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf's demise was far and widespread. A particular pious woman was so affected by his demise that she could not cease weeping. In this condition, she used to perform ablution (wudu) several times and engage herself in the zikr of Allah. Once, while engaged in zikr, she became drowsy and dazed. In this drowsy state, she observed that Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf was asking her, ‘Why have you lost your senses? Everyone has to die. Establish your relationship with the real Owner (Allah).'

She replied with an inspiration of love, ‘Hadrat Ji [as he was commonly known]! Please explain what had happened so suddenly.' [Mawlana had passed away suddenly of a heart attack while still in his forties]

He replied, ‘For quite a few days I had been experiencing an intense and special manifestation of divine illumination (tajalliyat ilahiyyah) when I was delivering discourses. On the night prior to my demise, while I was delivering my discourse, I experienced so much tajalliyat ilahiyyah that my heart could not contain it. Consequently, I suffered a heart attack. Thereafter, I was made to smell the sweet fragrance of a large rose flower. My soul was extracted while enjoying its fragrance.'"

[Extract from Sawanih Yusuf, the biography of Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf al-Kandhalawi. Translation, Biography of Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib Amire Tabligh, edited by Bilal Ali Ansari]

- Taken from

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